Saturday, July 17, 2004

Tattoo tale

I always wanted to have a tattoo on me.  At Bangkok I decided that the time had come --- lol.  I had voiced my wishes to my folks at home but thought they didn't take it very seriously.{coz they offered no resistsance to the idea}
 Well, when I reached Bangkok and told my aunt about it, you should have seen the shock on her face (GRIN).  I was gonna be chucked out of the house for being a freak amongst them, or so  I felt.  But some convincing and I managed to strike a deal with her that it would be OK if I got Mom and Dad's assent.  
My brother rung me up a few days into Bangkok and thought that the idea was pretty interesting and vouched to shield me at home.  So now I had one person's support.  Anyways I got the Tattoo done without telling mom and dad about it once more  and quietly sneaked back into the house without warning my aunt about the sacreilege.
But theEnigma code was to be broken, as my uncle noticed it when he came to wake me up for LUNCH the next day. LoL
And here I am today with the Markings of my CHINESE STAR SIGN(the OX) on my right arm.
Check it out the next time u meet me.
Till then...